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Marcos Antônio de Menezes

Images of Jataí

The research project, Images of Jataí, will be developed to some extent in cooperation with the Historical Museum of Jataí, Francisco Honório de Campos. And initially it will attend to the demands placed by the Museum's director for the need of documentary expansion of his collection, because according to his direction, its body of researchers is insufficient. In this case the partnership will be based on an existing cooperation agreement between UFG (Federal Univeristy of Goiás) and the town of Jataí. Four major areas of research and studies were drawn between the researchers of the History Course and the Museum and will be developed with a view to this partnership. These research areas range from the reconstitution or studies on the life of the first populations of today's region of Jataí in the nineteenth century, through the reconstitution or survey of the first center of the city and its changes through time. The story of the history of the city will also be made from its Press and the history of it. The collection of objects from the Museum will also be a subject of investigation since many are devoid of information that tells its history. It is clear from the foregoing that the type of research that will be carried out has a local and regional character. The Regional History will study the historical context of a certain space, taking it as delimitation for the object of study. So, when a historian proposes to work within the scope of Regional History, he is interested in studying directly a specific region. It’s important to emphasize that the regional space will not necessarily be associated with an administrative or geographical cut, and may refer to an anthropological cut, a cultural cut, or any other cut proposed by the historian according to the historical problem that he will examine. In doing the work of enlarging the collections of the Museum, and gathering data to give meaning to these same collections, the students of the History course will also carry out their research and make contact with themes that will allow them, or not, to unlink their research from the Museum. We emphasize again that the partnership with the Historic Museum of Jataí, Francisco Honório de Campos is just one of the support points of the Images of Jataí research project, which in its broadest ambition wants to recount the history of the town from the arrival of the pioneers in 1836.


Words and colors: the aesthetic universe of Baudelaire

We propose with this project to study how the critic on plastic arts and the poet intersect in Baudelaire, in an attempt to discover the extent to which one doing influenced the other. To do so, we will examine the set of 18 poems, written between 1857 and 1860 (some may be earlier than this period), which pass through the urban cycle of Baudelairean poetics and which, in our opinion, were strongly influenced by the pictorial production of plastic artists with whom the poet lived, and on whom Eugène Delacroix and Constantin Guys wrote, portraits of the daily life, of the fleeting, which profoundly marked the aesthetics of The Flowers of Evil. Honoré Daumier, Gustave Courbet, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Edouard Manet, Johon Mallord William Turner, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Charles Méryon, Eugène Delacroix and Constantin Guys are some of the artists on whom Baudelaire produced his criticisms of the arts published in several French newspapers. That is why our attention will fall on them in this study. Most of these texts were gathered in Parisian Paintings, which will be the raw material of our research.

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