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Interculturalities and Environmental History

To understand the critical interculturality as a social, political, ethical and epistemic process and project that, in addition to recognizing and respecting differences, reveals the tension between center and periphery, generating the possibility of a truly intercultural dialogue, understood as an extremely complex form of translation, with the Western epistemological perspective linked to "Hybris from zero point", revealing pluriepistemological spaces and bringing to the surface knowledge of others that historically were neglected and subalternized. To perceive the Decolonial Turn as a possibility of detachment and openness to the possibilities concealed by modern rationality, assembled and closed in the categories of Greek and Latin, and the six modern European imperial languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and German). To reveal how decolonial thinking emerges and is constitutive of the modernity / coloniality project.

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2013.1 Interculturalidades e História Ambiental (Programa de Disciplina) 1102 Kb 0024979a678d84c3fa6035a30f95b6ac
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