History, theory and methodologies of research in art history: history of art and psychoanalysis relations

Starting from the relations inaugurated by Freud and unfolded in Lacan's thought (and post-Lacan in Deleuze and Guattari, Derrida, etc.), the discipline investigates the relations between the program of psychoanalysis in its relations with art - its epistemology, the inversions of positions subject-object, the passage from the problematic of the artist to the concept of art, the relations on the history of art, aesthetics and philosophy of art, etc. - and notes its effects in the field of the recent historiography of the arts, with emphasis on the approach of art historians who produce the conceptual revision of the stylistic periods, as is the case of Georges Didi-Huberman (and Sarduy, Wollheim, etc.) and for art historians who approach this relation from the point of view of an inclusion of the notions of body and sex in the artistic object, such as in the studies of the history of the body, the queer history of art as well as the readings of feminist history (at the intersection between Freudian and Lacanian metapsychology and visual studies, cultural studies, audiovisual and television culture, film studies, game studies, embodiment theory, etc.), investigating ethical-aesthetic relations from the point of view of a corporeal epistemological approach (embodiment theory) and psychoanalysis (body-subjectivity and subjectivation, body-work of art, etc.).

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2013.1 História, Teoria e Metodologias de Pesquisas em História da Arte II: relações história da arte e psicanálise (Programa de Disciplina) 89 Kb 7fdf649c9fd5360a3651774df6d6dd50