Discipline Grid - 2016/2
Discipline Grid 2016/2 |
History, Narrative and the Construction of DirectionProfessor: Carlos Oiti Berbert Júnior |
Defeated and Damned: a script for the political history of the public dissident intellectualProfessor: João Alberto da Costa Pinto |
In between political humanism and revolution: the European political thinking of Machiavelli to BakuninProfessor: Francesco Guerra |
Europe and America: The encounter of two worlds (16th-18th centuries)Professor: Alberto Baena Zapatero |
Documentary Readings and Historical ResearchProfessor: Maria da Conceição Silva |
Literature and historicityProfessor: Raquel Campos |
Audiovisual Narratives and History Didactics: the art of putting life on stage as a historical issueProfessor: Roberto Abdala Junior |
Man and nature in the Middle AgesProfessor: Adriana Vidotte |