State and capitalism in Brazil: interpretations and processes

The course intends to analyze the Brazilian State and its relationship with the economy and the socio-political dynamics since 1930, as well as the interpretations raised by this theme among the Brazilian Marxist intellectuals. Considering the theoretical debates about the ideological nature of power, the relations between political society and civil society, as well as the public policies then developed. It is also proposed to discuss in historiography and specialized literature the role of public power in the development of capitalist relations of production and the debate on the character of the bourgeois revolution in Brazil. To do so, it will analyze some of the main formulations that have emerged in the field of Brazilian Marxism on this subject, besides academic texts on the structure of power and accumulation of capital, social policy and mobilization of workers, the authoritarian state and the expansion of the agricultural frontier , the monopoly capital and the internationalization of the Brazilian economy.

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2013.2 Estado e Capitalismo no Brasil, interpretações e processos (Programa de Disciplina) 265 Kb e011264a98a5b2ce5fb5c6aad4c0a6f0