Hinterlands : representations in the social sciences, literature and music
The construction of the notion of hinterlands [Sertão] in literature and in social sciences through the analysis of practices and intercultural identities in the manifestations of popular urban music of the twentieth century. The course includes, in a first part, the discussion of the construction of the notion of hinterlands in literature and in social sciences - from the sixteenth century, when the word first appeared in the letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha, going through the eighteenth century when, with the interiorization of colonization, hinterlands began to be seen from within. In the nineteenth century, with the search for national identity, the essays with a sociological character and regionalist literature present the notion of "two Brasis" - the late and rude, hinterlands - another modern and civilized, coastal. The Modern Art Week, in 1922, will locate at first the true identity of Brazilian culture. The second part of the course is dedicated to the study of the manifestations of the hinterlands in Brazilian popular music: the first recordings of the so-called "caipira de raiz" and the romantic or pop country music and the production of regional composers. The local production will be highlighted. The theme also appears in the production of the so-called great composers of MPB. From a theoretical point of view, the course refutes the idea of cultural or identity purity, working with the perspective of hybrid cultures, of identities in a constant process of transculturation.
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2013.2 Sertão, representações nas ciências sociais, na literatura e na música (Programa de Disciplina) | 92 Kb | 5b66d996b89bae111d3b79ef53d0c7ce |