Ideologies of Brazilian corporatist nationalism (1920-1964)

Nationalism and corporatism as historiographic problems. Conceptual Matrices of Corporatism in Durkheim and Manoilesco. Brazilian intellectuals and their institutional practices in the ideological organization of capitalist corporatism (Oliveira Viana [Ministry of Labor, Industry and Commerce], Azevedo Amaral [Press and Political Culture Review], Francisco Campos [Ministry of Justice], Edmundo de Macedo Soares [ [Simultaneously with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs], Roberto Simonsen [FIESP and IDORT], Caio Prado Júnior [PCB, ANL and Revista Brasiliense], Luís Simões Lopes [DASP and FGV], Rômulo Almeida [Economic Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic and "Alliance for Progress" ], Alberto Pasqualini [PETROBRAS and PTB (Brizola)], Celso Furtado [ECLAC, BNDE and SUDENE], Nelson Werneck Sodré [PCB and ISEB]). The corporatist nationalism and class fundamentals of the technocratic world view of managers. One hypothesis: the institutional reality of the manager-technocrats as the capitalist ruling class in Brazil from Vargas to Lula.

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