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History and historians times

Most historians tend to evoke, even quite naturally, the concept or idea of time in their efforts to define history, whatever the designation is given to the latter term. It has become common to say that history has to do with time or that it constitutes a fundamental constitutive variable of that. However, the significant relevance attributed to time in the numerous definitions or approaches of history, contrasts with the scarce theoretical reflection of historians on the concept of time. In many cases, historiographical practice tends to operate based on the premise - though often denied - that the notion of time is itself self-evident, something given with a catchable sense directly and immediately. This problematic extends to the more specific concepts of "historical time" or to references to "time (s) of history," as well as the temporal concepts of past, present and future. What exactly do historians say when they use such concepts? This course aims to offer a theoretical reflection on "the times of history and historians", on the specificities and relations between, on one hand, the times of history as an objective process of human experience in time (history itself) and on the other hand, the times of history produced by historians as subjective knowledge of a process (historiography), including the narrative-discursive forms by which such knowledge is expressed. In this reflection, the concept of "historical time" will occupy a central place, alongside other temporal concepts used more recurrently by historians in a perspective that intends to critically explore the dichotomy between the objectivist and subjectivist approaches of the time. Some texts by authors such as Fernand Braudel, George Simmel, Cornelius Castoriadis, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur, Krzysztof Pomian, Julio Aróstegui, Antoine Prost, François Hartog, Frank Ankersmit, Guadalupe Valencia García and José Carlos Reis will be taken as basic reference.

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