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History and audiovisual narratives: "dialogical" perspectives between history, didactics of history, cinema and telefiction

The subject of the discipline is cinema and other audiovisual narratives in their relations with history. Based on the premise that the narrative is an anthropological form of articulation of the experiences of the past (Ricoeur), we seek to study elements which led to the construction of audiovisual narratives in their relations with culture - especially historical and artistic, but not only – of every season and place. The theoretical framework that serves as an analytical guideline is composed by Vygotsky's theses - of psychology, Bakhtin's - philosophy of language, Williams's - of culture/communication, and Stam's - of cinema. In the historiographical field, Rüsen’s theses guide the analysis. Under this conceptual framework, we investigate possibilities of analysis that open to the cinema, in addition to the didactics of history as an interpretative key to audiovisual narratives, including pedagogic/performance ones. Some of the relations between culture, history and audiovisual narratives - in cinema, television, internet, etc. are studied, empirically throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

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2015.1 História e narrativas audiovisuais perspectivas “dialógicas” entre história, didática da história, cinema e teleficção (Programa de Disciplina) 354 Kb 68390e298ee786a0b3b32a3d91eeb5e8
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