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Historical Archives: Documents, Research and History Teaching

Archives are precious tools for historical research (which contains various documentary typologies). It is important to understand how to organize the documents and what types of files are essential for the research of a certain historical theme. For example, some sources with ecclesiastical and civilian available in archives or websites present a varied range of information for various studies. Documentary sources will be focus of analysis for the qualitative and quantitative research, considering also the assembly of databases in computational program for the historical investigation. In addition to these sources, the narrative becomes an important source for research in some lines of history, for the area of teaching of History, the narrative should be treated as a source of research used by scholars of Historical Education.

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2015.1 Arquivos Históricos Documentos, Pesquisa e Ensino de História (Programa de Disciplina) 147 Kb 23d6cf50547578058296b3952c848082
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