History and Historicity: the narrative and its role in the realms of "science" and "existence"

The present course aims to analyze the role played by the narrative in regard to the constitution of meaning and practical orientation, considering two characteristic poles of contemporary culture: on one hand, science and technology as an ideology and, on the other, the constitution of identity of individuals and groups. Our hypothesis assumes that technical discourse is not sufficient to sustain the practice and orientation of individuals and groups; this is due to the fact that "identity" cannot be regarded as "substance.” Accordingly, the course will be divided into four parts: in the first, science will be discussed as an "ideology of accuracy"; In the second, we will deal with criticisms of the discourse mentioned about science in different fields of knowledge (Theology, Psychology and Literature); In the third, the notion of identity within the existentialist perspective will be examined, and in the last and fourth part, questions about narrative will occupy the center of the debate.

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2013.2 História e Historicidade a narrativa e o seu papel nos âmbitos da ciência e da existência (Programa de Disciplina) 427 Kb fc1fba466fa4f0a3c016c0d2786180d2