Defeated and Damned: a script for the political history of the public dissident intellectual

Historiographical discussion on Political History and Social History of the Intellectuals (Karl Mannheim, René Remond, Lucien Goldmann, Michel Löwy, Norberto Bobbio, Pierre Bourdieu, Louis Pinto, Jean-François Sirinelli, Tony Judt, Sérgio Miceli and Ivan Domingues) . 2) Historiographical discussion for a definition of Public Dissenting Intellectual in the (technocratic) institutional universe of capitalist corporations (and neocorporativisms) (Alberto Asor Rosa, Russel Jacoby, Jean-Pierre Faye and João Bernardo). 3) Methodological perspective: to think about the practices and political thinking of the public dissident intellectuals (listed below) as a structuring element of the own historiographic formulation of the thematic route proposed by the discipline. 4) Problematic hypotheses of ideological-institutional trajectories of dissident public intellectuals in an analytical description of four study themes: a) The institutional organization of State Capitalism as a historical result of the "communist revolutions"; b) Neocolonialisms and political nationalisms in the Caribbean and Africa; c) Historical "totalitarisms" in the corporatist institutional experiences of fascist and communist state capitalism; d) The technocratic University as an element of production/reproduction of the neocorporativism capitalist. 5) The study topics (in essay cutouts and from the theoretical and methodological perspective indicated above: analysis of the work and the ideological-institutional trajectory of the indicated intellectuals) that will be worked on in the classes: a) The Revolutions in Russia and Germany (Alexander Bogdanov And Karl Korsch) - The political defeat of the communist-libertarian intellectual within the institutions of state capitalism of communist managers (1900-1930); b) "Fascists and Communist Totalitarisms" (George Orwell and Albert Camus) - The political defeat both to the right and to the left of the libertarian writer within the intellectual struggles against fascism and during the Cold War (1930-1960); c) Neo-colonialism and "Third World" nationalism - Africa and the Caribbean (Patrice Lumumba and Walter Rodney) - The political defeat of Third World intellectual activism within the nationalist struggles of Congo, Tanzania and British Guiana (1950-1970) ; d) The Technocratic University in the USA and Brazil (Charles Wrigth Mills and Maurício Tragtenberg) - The political defeat of the "outsider imagination" within the neocorporativist practices of the technocratic university (1950-1990).

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2016.2 Derrotados e Malditos Roteiro para uma História Política do Intelctual Público Dissidente (Programa de Disciplina) 209 Kb 9a222ccd377f8009762b41d49324cdfd