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Europe and America: The encounter of two worlds (16th-18th centuries)

The arrival of the Spaniards to America began a period of violence and conquests, but not only. The encounter between the Old and the New World also implied an intense process of cultural ruptures and transformations that continued throughout the colonial period, defining societies on both sides of the ocean. From the slow recognition of the other to the adaptation to the new circumstances, the discipline intends to reflect on the historiographic debate about the consequences of the colonization. In this respect it will be taken into consideration the significance of the cultural impositions, exchanges and adaptations that took place in this process. Finally, these changes will be related to the emergence of a new Creole identity that appropriated the American nature and past in opposition to its European origins.

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2016.2 Europa e América o encontro entre dois mundos (Programa de Disciplina) 280 Kb b2989a5b6046f338738353d0c5e45ea7
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