War and Funerary Rites in Classical Antiquity

In this course we will analyze the relations that are established between war and funerary rites in the Classical Antiquity. As we understand it, textual narratives (eg Polieno, Onassandro and others) and the material remains (eg Legio II Augusta) emphasize social values and customs that are linked to survival, civic condition, creation of combat strategies, masculinity, (Eg name of the deceased, position, title of the unit, mandate, age at death, number of years the soldier served, or their origin), which lead us to an understanding of diverse cultural practices in the tombs and their epitaphs. Roman and Greek societies. It is also interesting to understand, accordingly, the archeology of death that is characterized by the study of the practices, rites and symbologies of death in Roman society as a vehicle for communication and social production of the memory of the dead, their ancestors and their families.

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