Time multiplicity and historical simultaneity

Questions and terminological-conceptual difficulties around the idea of time. A panoramic view of the concept of time in the history of Western culture. The definitions and representations of time in the fields of Philosophy, Natural Sciences and Human or Social Sciences. Controversies and dificulties (and the alternatives of their overcoming) related to the nature of the time. The aspects of the diversity and temporal multiplicity and typologies resulting from the fragmentation of the more general concept of time. Cosmological, chronological, psychological, phenomenological, narrative, among other concepts. Alternatives of articulation between the multiple concepts of time according to the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. The interconnections between the physical and social dimensions of time. The sociological perspective of a socio-historical time. The relations between time and history. The times of history and the concept of historical time. The historical simultaneity and the unity-synthesis of temporal concepts such as past, present and future. The historical categories of Reinhart Koselleck. Time and narrative: the configuration of time in the historical account, the aporetic of temporality and historical time according to Paul Ricoeur's approach.

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