Study Groups

      The College of History has 10 (ten) study groups and 1 (one) working group, coordinated by PPGH professors. As can be seen in the text below, the relationship between the study groups and the PPGH is fundamental to the extent that these spaces contribute to conducting research.

     The Group for Studies in History and Image (GEHIM), registered at CNPq, was created in March 2011. It is coordinated by the professors of PPGH Heloisa Selma Fernandes Capel (leader) and Maria Elizia Borges (vice-leader), and has the participation of undergraduate and graduate students of the History and Visual Arts courses at UFG. Open to the participation of all who are interested in discussing the cognitive potentialities of the image, methodological issues and didactic uses of the image, the group investigates the relationship between history, image and art history under the approach of history and visual arts.

       The Group for Studies in Marxism and History (GEMH) is coordinated by Prof. Dr. David Maciel and is attended by students of PPGH and undergraduate students of several UFG courses. Linked to the Center for Studies and Research in Contemporary History (NEPHC), it focuses on promoting studies and extension courses on Classical Marxism and the thought of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

       The Group for Studies and Research in Gender (GEPEG) is coordinated by PPGH Professor Dr. Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares. It counts with the participation of graduate students and undergraduate students in History and PPGH’s. The GEPEG meetings are held monthly at the College of History . It is open to the participation of researchers dedicated to gender studies and promotes an intellectual exchange between different and multiple knowledges, narratives and languages about issues involving gender. It considers the actions and temporalities of cultures as a way to understand the relationships that are socially established, enriching the field of History. The meetings promoted by the group discuss study topics related to sexually produced references. These activities are conceived as a pedagogical, intellectual and cultural process that aims to articulate teaching and research from the stimulus to the development of scientific research that incorporates gender issues in its studies. It is fundamental to establish the relationship between the systematization of knowledge, promoted through the debates in the GEPEG meetings, associated with the notion of respect for cultural, social and sexual diversity.

       The Group for Studies and Research in Gender and Film (GECI), coordinated by PPGH professor Profa. Dr. Alcilene Cavalcante de Oliveira is devoted to the discussion on history and film, gender and women's history. It has an interdisciplinary character, gathering undergraduate and graduate students from FH, FCS and FAV from UFG, as well as external collaborators (cultural producers and professors of basic education and higher education in Goiás). It promotes, annually, "They make Cinema: exhibition of films directed by women", an event that takes place at the Culture Cinema of Goiânia premises, involves the public outside the university and counts on the presence of directors and filmmakers, active participants of the debates.

       The Group for Studies and Research in Gender and Dictatorship, also coordinated by Dr. Alcilene Cavalcante de Oliveira, brings together undergraduate and graduate students at the College of History who research the period in focus, constituting a collective space of learning and interlocution. It promotes, periodically, academic events, study meetings and encourages research and the writing of academic works on the themes to which it is dedicated.

       The Group for Studies: Ideologies of Pan-Africanisms in the 20th Century is dedicated to the study of the history of contemporary Africa and coordinated by Prof. Dr. João Alberto da Costa Pinto. Since 2018, it promotes monthly meetings with scholars and others interested in reading and debating classic authors of Pan-Africanism.

       The Group for Studies: Interculturality, Time and Place is composed of graduate students in History, Literature, Mathematics and Geography at UFG and focuses on reflecting on the key categories "time" and "place" in a multicultural perspective. It is coordinated by PPGH professor Prof. Dr. Elias Nazareno.

       The Group for Studies: " Brazil in the 800s " was founded in 2018 and is coordinated by Professor Raquel Machado Gonçalves Campos. Its objective is to study themes of Brazilian history in the 19th century, particularly in the imperial period. It holds periodic meetings with the proposal of reading bibliography linked to the investigations developed in the framework of the current research project of the coordinating professor, entitled "Anonymity and pseudonym: production, circulation and reception of literary texts - Brazil, XIX century". The objective is to instigate the interest of students in the study of the history of Brazil from that period, thus serving as an instrument of approximation to Scientific Initiation (IC). In this sense, also, the participation in the study group is mandatory for IC scholarship holders, which makes it an environment of interlocution between students at different stages of their intellectual formation and as researchers in the area of history.

       The Group for Research in History and Art: Political Images, active since 2013 and registered at CNPq, is currently coordinated by PPGH professor Dr. Ana Lucia Oliveira Vilela and by UDESC professor Dr. Fátima Costa de Lima. The group brings together more than thirty participants, including undergraduate and graduate students from both universities. The group's objective is to promote an interdisciplinary dialogue between the areas of history and arts (plastic, visual and scenic). 

       The Group for Studies in Historical Epistemology was created in the second semester of 2019, having in its coordination Prof. Dr. Tiago Santos Almeida, PNPD accredited in PPGH as collaborating professor. It counts with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of History, Philosophy and Psychology and focuses on interdisciplinary dialogue on history and epistemology.

       The Group for Studies: Intellectual Trajectories in Comparative History (GETIHC), under the coordination of Prof. Dr. João Alberto da Costa Pinto, is an activity associated with the institutional scope of the Center for Studies and Research in Contemporary History of the College of History (NEPHC/FH) and the Research Group: Capitalism and History (CNPq/UFG). The Study Group is composed of undergraduate and graduate students (master's and doctoral students) of the College of History and professors at high school networks (public and private). The group has been holding monthly meetings since November 2018. At each meeting there is always a previously read text that is discussed at the occasion by all participants.