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    The Graduate Program in History stricto sensu of the College of History of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), at Master's and Doctorate levels, with an Area of Concentration on "Cultures, Borders and Identities" has as main objectives, among others:

a) to provide conditions for the improvement of scientific training in History, aiming at the preparation of professors and researchers, strengthening the teaching/research link;

b) to encourage the elaboration and development of research projects with emphasis on the concentration area and research lines of the program;

c) to survey and map documentary sources aiming at the development of research in History;

d) to encourage interdisciplinary reflection and inter-institutional and academic exchange activities that promote the development of research in History.

    In general, the Program aims to constitute a center of excellence to train professors and researchers of high level, allowing the incorporation of Brazil and the Midwest region to the current debates of history.

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