Discipline Grid - 2013/2

Discipline Grid 2013/2

Methodological Approaches in the History of Art and Image

Professors: Heloisa Selma Fernandes Capel e Maria Elizia Borges

History and Historicity: the narrative and its role in the realms of "science" and "existence"

Professor: Carlos Oiti Berbet Junior

State and capitalism in Brazil: interpretations and processes

Professor: David Maciel

Political-institutional history of Brazilian historiographic production (1920-1970)

Professor: João Alberto da Costa Pinto

History, Gender and Power

Professors: Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares

History, Theory and Methodologies of Research in History of Art II: relations of art history and psychoanalysis

Professor: Márcio Pizarro Noronha

Middle Ages: Societies, Powers and Images

Professors: Adriana Vidotte e Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos Santos

Multiplicidade temporal e simultaneidade histórica

Professor: Eugênio Rezende de Carvalho

Hinterlands: representations in the social sciences, literature and music

Professor: Maria Amélia Garcia Alencar

Theory and Post-Structuralism

Professor: Luiz Sérgio Duarte da Silva