Discipline Grid - 2014/2

 Discipline Grid 2014/2

Historical Archives: Documents, Research and History Teaching

Professor: Maria da Conceição Silva

From Portugal to Guayazes: Governance in the Old Regime

Professor: Cristina de Cássia Pereira Moraes

State and capitalism in Brazil: interpretations and processes

Professor: David Maciel

War and Funerary Rites in Classical Antiquity

Professors: Ana Teresa Marques Gonçalves e Luciane Munhoz de Omena

History and the theory of arts: from body to image and movement

Professors: Márcio Pizarro Noronha e Maria Elizia Borges

History, Identity and Narrative

Professor: Carlos Oiti Berbert Júnior

Memory and Temporalities

Professors: Marlon Salomon e Noé Freire Sandes

Time multiplicity and historical simultaneity

Professor: Eugênio Rezende de Carvalho

Gender issues and social identities: representations and political agendas in postmodernity

Professors: Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho e Leandro Mendes Rocha

The theory and didactics of history: assumptions and foundations of historical thought and it’s didactic implications

Professor: Rafael Saddi Teixeira