In order to start the diploma expedition procedure before the PPGH office, the student must have already made all the corrections requested by the examination board. After the corrections are made we will need you to follow some procedures:
FIRST PHASE - PPGH (you should initially send some scanned documents in .PDF format to jeanhvarela@ufg.br (documents with another extension will not be accepted. e.g. .jpeg; .png; .doc;):
1) Identification Documents - Identity Card (RG) and CPF. National Driver's License (CNH) will not be accepted.
2) Graduate Diploma (Front and Back). The student must verify if he/she has signed his/her diploma. Copies of the diploma without signature will not be accepted.
2) ONLY FOR DOCTORATE STUDENTS: Diploma of Master (Front and Back). The student must verify if he/she has signed his/her diploma. Copies of the diploma without signature will not be accepted.
3) Wait for the secretary to make the TECA form available for the student's and advisor's signature via SEI. After signing the document, the student should generate the TECA PDF to attach to the final work.
4) Digital copy of the Final Work in ".pdf" format. (To be sent in accordance
SECOND PHASE - Central Library (Post-Signature of TECA):
1) Insert the pdf of TECA as the 2nd page of the dissertation/thesis pdf;
2) Check if the title of the work that appears on the cover, TECA, cover sheet and index card are identical to the title that appears in the minutes of defense (much attention to the cases in which the examination board changed the title of the work). The title approved by the examination board always prevails;
3) Check very carefully the final version of the thesis/dissertation and generate a PDF of this version containing the first pages in the following order: 1st Cover, 2nd TECA, 3rd Cover Sheet, 4th Index Card; 5th Defense Minutes.
4) Check if the dissertation/thesis file is in PDF format, without the use of a password and with a size inferior to 75MB;
5) Download the Metadata Form, fill in the Word and save it in word format or PDF (in this case, take care to save the PDF so that the text remains selectable and possible to copy) - Available at https://www.bc.ufg.br/n/33055-procedimentos-para-envio-das-teses-e-dissertacoes-para-publicacao-na-bdtd;
6) Send an e-mail to tesesdissertacoes.bc@ufg.br with a copy to jeanhvarela@ufg.br using the subject Dissertation_Student Name_Acronym of the Program or Thesis_ Student Name_Acronym of the Program, containing both files: 1st: PDF of the thesis/dissertation, checked and organized according to previous guidelines; 2nd: Metadata Form, filled out according to previous guidelines.
7) Wait for the return of the e-mail sent to tesesdissertacoes.bc@ufg.br. where the library will give a return confirming the generation of the Proof of Receipt within SEI.
8) ATTENTION: The PPGH only sends the diploma process to the BC for the expedition of the “no hold” and proof of deposit after the realization of item 6.
1) The student must deliver to the PPGH office or send the proof of submission (only students not residing in Goiânia - GO) of: 1 (one) hard cover copy (Royal blue color) of the Dissertation or Thesis containing 1 (one) PDF copy, saved on CD of the Dissertation or Thesis;
2) After receiving the final work, PPGH will send the diploma expedition process to the Graduate Studies Pro-Dean’s Office, which will start the final procedures of the process;
1) The deadline for the issuance of the diploma is up to 120 days counted from the request made via e-mail at the PPGH office;
2) The student must have fulfilled all requirements according to the resolution of the PPGH;
3) After the student's status is changed to complete the student will no longer have access to SIGAA;
4) Any questions or documentation should be sent to the e-mail: jeanhvarela@ufg.br; "